Find Out How to Get New Teeth With Dentures
So, we understand, life happens. And sometimes a person’s mouth is in a state to where maybe it’s best to start thinking about replacement of teeth instead of trying to restore things. Dentures and partials are a great way to give a patient back some chewing surface, their smile. And the best part about dentures is they can be a pathway into implants, so that a patient has something maybe they don’t remove from their mouth.
It’s very important to have proper nutrition. So, while it’s nice to be able to smile and show a pretty set of teeth, being able to chew is a huge part of someone’s life. And if you can’t chew properly, malnourishment can happen. You just want to make sure that patients feel comfortable with what they have. Sometimes it’s a normal denture. Sometimes it’s adding some implants to hold a denture in.