Restore Your Smile
Dentures can be used to restore a patient’s appearance, as well as restore function when someone has lost their teeth or lost multiple teeth. A lot of times, people get used to chewing with just a few teeth. Usually, the front ones are the ones that remain. Those front teeth are not meant for grinding and chewing your food. So the quality of the food you eat decreases with the more teeth you’ve lost. As you lose more and more teeth, extra stress is placed on the remaining teeth, which causes them to wear down faster.
By doing a partial or a denture, what that does is it restores not only the function by replacing the missing teeth, but it takes the stress off if you do have any teeth remaining, just chewing on those teeth. If you have no teeth remaining, it gives you back that ability to chew foods that before, you may have just been on a softer diet. Now, you’re going to be able to eat more broad spectrum foods that you may have had to give up. So not only will it restore your smile, it will also restore the function of chewing and eating foods that you may have had to give up in the past.