Judy noticed that as she got older, her smile was changing. She also had some anxiety about the dentist going back to her childhood.

At Dossett Dental, she felt comfortable and she was able to get dental crowns to repair her smile.

“I just keep getting compliments. Even in the grocery store, I’ve had a couple of people stop me that I didn’t even know, which was like, I was taken back,” Judy said. “That means a lot when a stranger says that to you, so that meant a lot to me. But I have noticed that I’ve had more confidence. I smile more. You don’t really even realize it, but you do.

Get your confident smile back with our crowns. To schedule a visit to our Frisco, TX office, call 214-740-6082 or schedule online. Be sure to read about our new protocols in light of COVID-19 to keep you and our team members safe. 

To visit one of our other locations, call 817-270-9217 in Hurst, TX, 972-787-1869 in McKinney, TX, or in Plano, TX.