Relaxed Dental Care
A lot of times patients come to us asking about their wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are your last set of molars in the very back of your mouth. Typically, we recommend removing these at a younger age, usually between the age of 17 and 21. A lot of times patients don’t have the space in their mouth and so the teeth are trapped underneath the gum up in the bone. As they try to naturally erupt, as they’re supposed to do, it can cause a lot of pain and pressure and swelling, or causing the patient to come see us because of that pain.
In that situation typically recommend sedating the patient so that they feel no discomfort. They don’t hear anything, feel anything, and we’re able to safely and effectively go in and remove those teeth. Here at Dossett Dental, we actually have doctors who can come into the office, do IV sedation, have you go to sleep and remove those teeth quickly and saves you from having to go outside to find a specialist or another doctor to be able to remove this.